Source code for survivalstan.survivalstan

import patsy
import stanity
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def fit_stan_survival_model(df=None, formula=None, event_col=None, model_code=None, file=None, model_cohort='survival model', time_col=None, sample_id_col=None, sample_col=None, group_id_col=None, group_col=None, timepoint_id_col=None, timepoint_end_col=None, make_inits=None, stan_data=dict(), grp_coef_type=None,, drop_intercept=True, input_data=None, *args, **kwargs): """Prepare data & fit a survival model using Stan This function wraps a number of steps into one function: 1. Prepare input data dictionary for Stan - calls `SurvivalStanData` with user-provided formulas & df - (can be overridden using the `input_data` parameter) 2. Compiles & optionally caches compiled stan code 3. Fits model to data 4. Tries the following functions on the resulting fit object: - `stanity.psisloo` to summarize model fit using LOO-PSIS approximation - extract posterior draws for beta coefficients (if model contains `beta` parameter) - extract posterior draws for grouped-beta coefficients (if applicable) Parameters: df (pandas DataFrame): The data frame containing input data to Survival model. formula (chr): Patsy formula to use for covariates. E.g 'met_status + pd_l1' event_col (chr): name of column containing event status. Will be coerced to boolean model_code (chr): stan model code to use. file (chr): path to stan file (if model_code not given) *args, **kwargs: passed to FIT_FUN ( or replacement) model_cohort (chr): description of this model fit, to be used when plotting or summarizing output time_col (chr): name of column containing event time -- used for parameteric models sample_id_col (chr): name of column containing numeric sample ids (1-indexed & sequential) sample_col (chr): name of column containing sample descriptions - will be converted to an ID group_id_col (chr): name of column containing numeric group ids (1-indexed & sequential) group_col (chr): name of column containing group descriptions - will be converted to an ID timepoint_id_col (chr): name of column containing timepoint ids (1-indexed & sequential) timepoint_end_col (chr): name of column containing end times for each timepoint (will be converted to an ID) stan_data (dict): extra params passed to stan data object grp_coef_type (chr): type of group coef specified, if using a varying-coef model Can be one of: - 'None' (default): guess group coef orientation from data. Works except in case where M (num covariates) == G (num groups) - 'matrix': grp_beta defined as `matrix[M, G] grp_beta;` - 'vector-of-vectors': grp_beta defined as `vector[M] grp_beta[G];` drop_intercept (bool): whether to drop the intercept term from the model matrix (default: True) Returns: dictionary of results objects. Contents:: df: Pandas data frame containing input data, filtered to non-missing obs & with ID variables created x_df: Covariate matrix passed to Stan x_names: Column names for the covariate matrix passed to Stan data: List passed to Stan - contains dimensions, etc. fit: pystan fit object returned from Stan call coefs: posterior draws for coefficient values loo: psis-loo object returned for fit model. Used for model comparison & summary model_cohort: description of this model and/or cohort on which the model was fit df_all: input df given, with calculated values included sample_col: name of column (in df_all) used to identify the sample sample_id_col: name of column containing numeric id derived from the sample timepoint_end_col: name of column (in df_all) used to determine end-time of 'long' data, if relevant timepoint_id_col: name of column containing numeric id derived from timepoint_end_col Raises: AttributeError, KeyError Example: >>> testfit = fit_stan_survival_model( model_file = stanmodels.stan.pem_survival_model, formula = '~ met_status + pd_l1', df = dflong, sample_col = 'patient_id', timepoint_end_col = 'end_time', event_col = 'end_failure', model_cohort = 'PEM survival model', iter = 30000, chains = 4, ) >>> print(testfit['fit']) >>> seaborn.boxplot(x = 'value', y = 'variable', data = testfit['coefs']) """ if model_code is None: if file is None: raise AttributeError('Either model_code or file is required.') if input_data is None: input_data = SurvivalStanData(df=df, formula=formula, time_col=time_col, event_col=event_col, sample_id_col=sample_id_col, sample_col=sample_col, group_id_col=group_id_col, group_col=group_col, timepoint_id_col=timepoint_id_col, timepoint_end_col=timepoint_end_col, drop_intercept=drop_intercept, **stan_data ) x_df = input_data.x_df df_nonmiss = input_data.df_nonmiss if make_inits: kwargs = dict(kwargs, init = make_inits( survival_fit = FIT_FUN( model_code = model_code, file = file, data =, *args, **kwargs ) try: beta_coefs = pd.DataFrame( survival_fit.extract()['beta'], columns = x_df.columns ) beta_coefs.reset_index(0, inplace = True) beta_coefs = beta_coefs.rename(columns = {'index':'iter'}) beta_coefs = pd.melt(beta_coefs, id_vars = ['iter']) beta_coefs['exp(beta)'] = np.exp(beta_coefs['value']) beta_coefs['model_cohort'] = model_cohort except: beta_coefs = None ## prep by-group coefs if group specified if input_data.group_id_col: try: grp_names = input_data.get_group_names() grp_coefs = _extract_grp_coefs(survival_fit=survival_fit, element='grp_beta', grp_coef_type=grp_coef_type, grp_names=grp_names, columns=x_df.columns,, model_cohort=model_cohort ) except: grp_coefs = None else: grp_coefs = beta_coefs if grp_coefs is not None: grp_coefs['group'] = 'Overall' try: loo = stanity.psisloo(survival_fit.extract()['log_lik']) except: loo = None if not sample_id_col: sample_id_col = None if not sample_col: sample_col = None if not timepoint_id_col: timepoint_id_col = None if not timepoint_end_col: timepoint_end_col = None return { 'df': df_nonmiss, 'x_df': x_df, 'x_names': x_df.columns, 'data':, 'fit': survival_fit, 'coefs': beta_coefs, 'grp_coefs': grp_coefs, 'loo': loo, 'model_cohort': model_cohort, 'df_all': input_data.df, 'sample_col': input_data.sample_col, 'sample_id_col': input_data.sample_id_col, 'timepoint_id_col': input_data.timepoint_id_col, 'timepoint_end_col': input_data.timepoint_end_col, }
[docs]class SurvivalStanData: 'Input data representing a survival model in survivalstan' def __init__(self, df, formula, event_col, time_col=None, sample_id_col=None, sample_col=None, group_id_col=None, group_col=None, timepoint_id_col=None, timepoint_end_col=None, drop_intercept=True, **kwargs): ## capture input params self.df = df self.formula = formula self.event_col = event_col self.time_col = time_col self.group_id_col = group_id_col self.group_col = group_col self.timepoint_id_col = timepoint_id_col self.timepoint_end_col = timepoint_end_col self.sample_id_col = sample_id_col self.sample_col = sample_col self.drop_intercept = drop_intercept self.prep_df_nonmiss() self.prep_input_data(**kwargs) def _prep_othercols(self): ''' Update list of columns to keep, other than those generated by formula ''' ## construct data frame with all necessary columns ## limit to non-missing data ## (if necessary) transform columns to ids other_cols = [self.event_col, self.time_col, self.group_id_col, self.group_col, self.timepoint_id_col, self.timepoint_end_col, self.sample_id_col, self.sample_col] other_cols = list(set(other_cols)) ## dedup other_cols.remove(None) ## remove 'none' self.other_cols = other_cols
[docs] def prep_df_nonmiss(self): ''' Create x_df and df_nonmiss ''' self._prep_othercols() ## input covariates given formula x_df = patsy.dmatrix(self.formula, self.df, return_type='dataframe' ) if self.other_cols and len(self.other_cols)>0: ## filter other inputs to non-missing observations on input covariates df_nonmiss = x_df.join(self.df[self.other_cols]).dropna() else: df_nonmiss = x_df if len(x_df.columns)>1 and self.drop_intercept: x_df = x_df.ix[:, x_df.columns != 'Intercept'] self.df_nonmiss = df_nonmiss self.x_df = x_df self._prep_timepoint_ids() self._prep_sample_ids() self._prep_group_ids()
def _prep_event_data(self, **kwargs): ## prep input dictionary to pass to = { 'N': len(self.df_nonmiss.index), 'M': len(self.x_df.columns), 'x': self.x_df.as_matrix(), 'event': self.df_nonmiss[self.event_col].values.astype(int), } if self.time_col:['y'] = self.df_nonmiss[self.time_col].values if self.timepoint_id_col:['t'] = self.df_nonmiss[self.timepoint_id_col].values.astype(int) if self.sample_id_col:['s'] = self.df_nonmiss[self.sample_id_col].values.astype(int) if self.group_id_col:['g'] = self.df_nonmiss[self.group_id_col].values.astype(int)
[docs] def prep_input_data(self, **kwargs): self._prep_event_data() if self.sample_id_col: self._prep_sample_data() if self.timepoint_id_col: self._prep_timepoint_data() if self.group_id_col: self._prep_group_data() if dict(**kwargs):**kwargs))
def _prep_timepoint_ids(self): ''' construct timepoint ID vars & add to df_nonmiss ''' if self.timepoint_end_col and not(self.timepoint_id_col): self.timepoint_id_col = 'timepoint_id' self.df_nonmiss[self.timepoint_id_col] = self.df_nonmiss[self.timepoint_end_col].astype('category') + 1 def _prep_sample_ids(self): ''' construct sample ID var & add to df_nonmiss ''' if self.sample_col and not(self.sample_id_col): self.sample_id_col = 'sample_id' self.df_nonmiss[self.sample_id_col] = self.df_nonmiss[self.sample_col].astype('category') + 1 def _prep_group_ids(self): ''' construct group ID var & add to df_nonmiss ''' if self.group_col and not(self.group_id_col): self.group_id_col = 'group_id' self.df_nonmiss[self.group_id_col] = self.df_nonmiss[self.group_col].astype('category') + 1
[docs] def get_group_names(self): if not self.group_id_col: return(None) # which column should describe group names if self.group_col: grp_desc = self.group_col else: grp_desc = self.group_id_col # group names in order of id self.grp_names = self.df_nonmiss.loc[ ~self.df_nonmiss[[self.group_id_col]].duplicated()].sort_values(self.group_id_col)[grp_desc].values return(self.grp_names)
def _prep_timepoint_data(self): ''' Add timepoint-id-related data to input vector ''' unique_timepoints = _prep_timepoint_dataframe(self.df_nonmiss, timepoint_id_col=self.timepoint_id_col, timepoint_end_col=self.timepoint_end_col ) timepoint_input_data = { 't_dur': unique_timepoints['t_dur'], 't_obs': unique_timepoints[self.timepoint_end_col], 'T': len(unique_timepoints.index) } unique_timepoints.reset_index(inplace=True) self.timepoint_df = unique_timepoints def _prep_sample_data(self): ''' Prep per-sample input data ''' sample_input_data = { 'S': len(self.df_nonmiss[self.sample_id_col].unique()) } def _prep_group_data(self): ''' Prep per-group input data ''' group_input_data = { 'G': len(self.df_nonmiss[self.group_id_col].unique()) }
def _extract_grp_coefs(survival_fit, element, grp_coef_type, grp_names, columns, input_data, model_cohort): """ Helper function to extract grp coefs summary data """ grp_coefs_extract = survival_fit.extract()[element] ## try to guess shape of group-betas if not(grp_coef_type): grp_coef_type = _guess_grp_coef_type(extract=grp_coefs_extract, input_data=input_data) ## process group_coefs according to type if grp_coef_type == 'matrix': try: grp_coefs_data = _format_grp_coefs_matrix(extract=grp_coefs_extract, columns=columns, grp_names=grp_names ) except: raise Exception('unable to format grp coefs as matrix') elif grp_coef_type == 'vector-of-vectors': try: grp_coefs_data = _format_grp_coefs_vectors(extract=grp_coefs_extract, columns=columns, grp_names=grp_names ) except: raise Exception('unable to format grp coefs as vector-of-vectors') elif grp_coef_type == 'unknown': print("warning: unable to determine group-coef orientation. Try using arg `grp_coef_type`") return(None) else: print("Invalid `grp_coef_type` -- must be one of 'vector-of-vectors' or 'matrix'") print("Skipping grp coef extraction for now.") return(None) # process/format grp_coefs data grp_coefs = pd.melt(grp_coefs_data, id_vars=['group','iter']) grp_coefs['exp(beta)'] = np.exp(grp_coefs['value']) grp_coefs['group'] ='category') grp_coefs['model_cohort'] = model_cohort return(grp_coefs) def _format_grp_coefs_matrix(extract, columns, grp_names): """ Helper function for format grp_coefs data if in `matrix[M, G]` form """ grp_coefs_data = list() i = 0 for grp in grp_names: grp_data = pd.DataFrame(extract[:,:,i], columns = columns) grp_data.reset_index(inplace=True) grp_data.rename(columns={'index':'iter'}, inplace=True) grp_data['group'] = grp grp_coefs_data.append(grp_data) i = i+1 return(pd.concat(grp_coefs_data)) def _format_grp_coefs_vectors(extract, columns, grp_names): """ Helper function for format grp_coefs data if in `vector[M] grp_beta[G]` form """ grp_coefs_data = list() i = 0 for grp in grp_names: grp_data = pd.DataFrame(extract[:,i,:], columns = columns) grp_data.reset_index(inplace=True) grp_data.rename(columns={'index':'iter'}, inplace=True) grp_data['group'] = grp grp_coefs_data.append(grp_data) i = i+1 return(pd.concat(grp_coefs_data)) def _guess_grp_coef_type(extract, input_data): """ helper function to determine grp_coefs type from shape of returned object """ if input_data['M'] == input_data['G']: # unable to determine shape if M == G grp_coef_type = 'unknown' elif extract.shape[1] == input_data['G']: grp_coef_type = 'vector-of-vectors' elif extract.shape[2] == input_data['G']: grp_coef_type = 'matrix' return grp_coef_type def _prep_timepoint_dataframe(df, timepoint_end_col, timepoint_id_col = None ): """ Helper function to take a set of timepoints in observation-level dataframe & return formatted timepoint_id, end_time, duration Returns --------- pandas dataframe with one record per timepoint_id where timepoint_id is the index sorted on the index, increasing """ time_df = df.copy() time_df.sort_values(timepoint_end_col, inplace=True) if not(timepoint_id_col): timepoint_id_col = 'timepoint_id' time_df[timepoint_id_col] = time_df[timepoint_end_col].astype('category') + 1 time_df.dropna(how='any', subset=[timepoint_id_col, timepoint_end_col], inplace=True) time_df = time_df.loc[:,[timepoint_id_col, timepoint_end_col]].drop_duplicates() time_df[timepoint_end_col] = time_df[timepoint_end_col].astype(np.float32) time_df.set_index(timepoint_id_col, inplace=True, drop=True) time_df.sort_index(inplace=True) t_durs = time_df.diff(periods=1) t_durs.rename(columns = {timepoint_end_col: 't_dur'}, inplace=True) time_df = time_df.join(t_durs) if len(time_df.index)>1: time_df.fillna(inplace=True, value=time_df.loc[1, timepoint_end_col]) return(time_df)
[docs]def extract_grp_baseline_hazard(results, timepoint_id_col = 'timepoint_id', timepoint_end_col = 'end_time'): """ If model results contain a grp_baseline object, extract & summarize it """ ## TODO check if results are by-group ## TODO check if baseline hazard is computable grp_baseline_extract = results['fit'].extract()['grp_baseline'] coef_group_names = results['grp_coefs']['group'].unique() i = 0 grp_baseline_data = list() for grp in coef_group_names: grp_base = pd.DataFrame(grp_baseline_extract[:,:,i]) grp_base_coefs = pd.melt(grp_base, var_name=timepoint_id_col, value_name='baseline_hazard') grp_base_coefs['group'] = grp grp_baseline_data.append(grp_base_coefs) i = i+1 grp_baseline_coefs = pd.concat(grp_baseline_data) end_times = _extract_timepoint_end_times(results, timepoint_id_col = timepoint_id_col, timepoint_end_col = timepoint_end_col) bs_data = pd.merge(grp_baseline_coefs, end_times, on = timepoint_id_col) return(bs_data)
def _extract_timepoint_end_times(results, timepoint_end_col = 'end_time', timepoint_id_col = 'timepoint_id'): df_nonmiss = results['df'] end_times = df_nonmiss.loc[~df_nonmiss[[timepoint_id_col]].duplicated()].sort_values(timepoint_id_col)[[timepoint_end_col, timepoint_id_col]] return(end_times)
[docs]def extract_baseline_hazard(results, element='baseline', timepoint_id_col = 'timepoint_id', timepoint_end_col = 'end_time'): """ If model results contain a baseline object, extract & summarize it """ ## TODO check if baseline hazard is computable baseline_extract = results['fit'].extract()[element] baseline_coefs = pd.DataFrame(baseline_extract) bs_coefs = pd.melt(baseline_coefs, var_name = timepoint_id_col, value_name = 'baseline_hazard') end_times = _extract_timepoint_end_times(results, timepoint_id_col = timepoint_id_col, timepoint_end_col = timepoint_end_col) bs_data = pd.merge(bs_coefs, end_times, on = timepoint_id_col) bs_data['model_cohort'] = results['model_cohort'] return(bs_data)
## convert wide survival data to long format
[docs]def prep_data_long_surv(df, time_col, event_col, sample_col=None, event_name=None): ''' Convert wide survival dataframe (df) to long format, in preparation for modeling using PEM models. Returns a pandas DataFrame with original records duplicated for each unique failure time observed. Each record will have two new columns: 'end_failure' and 'end_time', indicating the event status (`end_failure`) for each unique timepoint (`end_time`). Parameters: df (pandas.DataFrame): Input data containing survival time & status for each subject time_col (str): name of column containing time to censor/event event_col (str or list of strings): name of column containing status (1 or True: event, 0 or False: censor) If a list is provided, these will be processed as multiple event types. sample_col (str): (optional) column containing sample or subject identifier. If given, result will be de-duped so that multiple events within a sample are handled correctly. event_name (str): (optional) column containing description of event type, if more than one type of event is observed. If given, then then multiple events per subject will be processed. Returns: pandas.DataFrame with original records duplicated for each unique failure time observed. Each record will _include all original covariate values_, plus two new columns: 'end_failure' and 'end_time', indicating the timepoint-specific event status for each record. If multiple events are given (either via a list of event_cols or by providing an event_name, the result will contain multiple end_failure columns, one for each event type. ''' ## process multiple event_names, if given: if event_name: if not sample_col: raise ValueError('Sample col is required to process multiple events') df_events = pd.pivot_table(df, index=[sample_col, time_col], columns=[event_name], values=[event_col], fill_value=False).copy() df_events.reset_index(col_level=1, inplace=True) df_events.columns = df_events.columns.droplevel(0) event_cols = list(df[event_name].unique()) df_covars = df.loc[:, [column for column in df.columns if column not in [event_name, event_col]] ].drop_duplicates().copy() assert(all(df_covars.duplicated(subset=[sample_col, time_col]) == False)) df_multi = pd.merge(df_events, df_covars, on=[sample_col, time_col], how='outer') else: df_multi = df event_cols = event_col if isinstance(event_cols, list): logger.debug('Event col is given as a list; processing multi-event data') ## start with covariates per subject_id df_covars = df_multi.loc[:, [column for column in df_multi.columns if column not in event_cols and column not in time_col]].copy() df_covars.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) assert(all(df_covars.duplicated(subset=[sample_col]) == False)) ## merge in event-data for each event type ldf = None for event in event_cols: longdata = prep_data_long_surv(df_multi, event_col=event, time_col=time_col, sample_col=sample_col ) longdata = longdata.loc[:, [sample_col, 'end_time', 'end_failure']].copy() longdata.rename(columns={'end_failure': 'end_{}'.format(event)}, inplace=True) if ldf is None: ldf = longdata else: ldf = pd.merge(ldf, longdata, on=[sample_col, 'end_time'], how='outer') with_covars = pd.merge(ldf, df_covars, on=sample_col, how='outer') return with_covars ## identify distinct failure/censor times failure_times = df[time_col].unique() ftimes = pd.DataFrame({'end_time': failure_times, 'key':1}) ## cross join failure times with each observation df['key'] = 1 dflong = pd.merge(df, ftimes, on = 'key') del dflong['key'] ## identify end-time & end-status for each sample*failure time def gen_end_failure(row): if row[time_col] > row['end_time']: ## event not yet occurred (time_col is after this timepoint) return False if row[time_col] == row['end_time']: ## event during (==) this timepoint return row[event_col] if row[time_col] < row['end_time']: ## event already occurred (time_col is before this timepoint) return np.nan dflong['end_failure'] = dflong.apply(lambda row: gen_end_failure(row), axis = 1) ## confirm total number of non-censor events hasn't changed if not(sum(dflong.end_failure.dropna()) == sum(df[event_col].dropna())): print('Warning: total number of events has changed from {0} to {1}'.format(sum(df[event_col]), sum(dflong.end_failure))) ## remove timepoints after failure/censor event dflong = dflong.query('end_time <= {0}'.format(time_col)).copy() ## if sample_col is given, remove duplicates induced in case of multiple events if sample_col: dflong['_rank'] = dflong.groupby([sample_col, 'end_time'])[time_col].rank() dflong = dflong.query('_rank == 1') del dflong['_rank'] return(dflong)
[docs]def make_weibull_survival_model_inits(stan_input_dict): def f(): m = { 'tau_s_raw': abs(np.random.normal(0, 1)), 'tau_raw': abs(np.random.normal(0, 1, stan_input_dict['M'])), 'alpha_raw': np.random.normal(0, 0.1), 'beta_raw': np.random.normal(0, 1, stan_input_dict['M']), 'mu': np.random.normal(0, 1), } return m return f